† Trainee Co-author | # Community Member Co-author | Bold James Lab member
Preprints (not peer-reviewed)
James TG, †Hughes S, Moran C, Day S, McKee MM. Human guide training to improve hospital accessibility for patients who are blind: Needs assessment and pilot process evaluation. JMIR Preprints, 2024. doi: 10.2196/preprints.64666. [Free access.]
James TG, Ryan SJ. Differences in STI knowledge accuracy and STI/HIV testing among a random sample of college students: A secondary survey analysis. SocArXiv, 2017. doi: 10.31235/ [Free access.]
† Tan NS, James TG, McKee KS, Moore Simas TA, Smith LD, McKee MM, Mitra M. Antenatal depression and drug use among deaf and hard-of-hearing birth parents: Results from a U.S. national survey. Archives of Women's Mental Health, 2024. doi: 10.1007/s00737-024-01512-7. [Free PDF.]
Jaiswal A, Paramasivam A, Budhiraja S, Santhakumaran P, Gravel C, Martin J, Ogedengbe TO, James TG, Kennedy B, Tang D, Tran Y, Osborne HC, Minhas R, Granberg S, Wittich W. The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) core sets for deafblindness, Part II of the Systematic review: Linking data to the ICF categories. European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 2024.
James TG, McKee KS, Moore Simas TA, Smith LD, McKee MM, Mitra M. Cesarean birth and adverse birth outcomes among sub-populations of deaf and hard-of-hearing people. Disability and Health Journal, 2024. doi: 10.1016/j.dhjo.2024.101639. [Free PDF.]
DeJonckheere M, Vaughn LM, James TG, Schondelmeyer AC. Qualitative thematic analysis in a mixed methods study: Guidelines and considerations for integration. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 2024. doi: 10.1177/15586898241257546. [Free PDF.]
Mangus CW, James TG, Parker SJ, Duffy E, Cassady CM, Chandanabhumma PP, Bellolio MF, Pasupathy KS, Manojlovich M, Singh H, Mahajan P. Improving diagnostic safety in the emergency department: A qualitative study of providers’ and patients’ perspectives. The Joint Commission Journal of Quality and Patient Safety, 2024. doi: 10.1016/j.jcjq.2024.03.003. [Free PDF.]
†Roberts L, *James TG. Inclusion of people with disabilities in community health needs assessments in Florida, United States. Health Promotion Practice, 2024. doi: 10.1177/15248399231225642. [Free PDF.]
Gebru NM, James TG, Ahn S, Cheong J, Berry MS, Cook RL, Leeman RF. A behavioral economic examination of sexual behaviors in the era of pre-exposure prophylaxis via explanatory sequential mixed methods. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 2024. doi: 10.1007/s10508-024-02822-8. [Free PDF.]
†Buning GE, Buning GE, James TG, Richards B, McKee MM. Self-reported accommodation needs for patients with disabilities in primary care. The Joint Commission Journal of Quality and Patient Safety, 2023. doi: 10.1016/j.jcjq.2023.10.012. [Free PDF.]
James TG, Argenyi MS, Gravino A, Benevides T. HIV diagnosis and care among adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities who are publicly insured. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities Research, 2023. doi: 10.1111/jir.13099. [Free access.]
Palazzolo B, Carbone L, James TG, Heizelman RJ, Mahmoudi E, McKee MM. Model clinic to increase preventive screenings among patients with physical disabilities: Protocol for a mixed methods intervention pilot study. JMIR Research Protocols, 2023. doi: 10.2196/50105. [Free access.]
Bodi C, Ortega DP, Hawkins LAB, James TG, Bright MA. Parents and professionals’ perspectives on school-based maltreatment prevention education for children with intellectual developmental disabilities. Child Abuse & Neglect, 2023. doi: 10.1016/j.chiabu.2023.106428. [Free PDF.]
James TG, #Sullivan MK, McKee MM, Rotoli J, #Maruca D, #Stachowiak R, Cheong J, Varnes JR. Emergency department patient-centered care perspectives from deaf and hard-of-hearing patients. Health Expectations, 2023. doi: 10.1111/hex.13842. [Free access.]
Gebru NM, James TG, Foxx R, Castro M, Yurasek AM. Measuring cannabis reinforcement among young adults: A mixed methods examination. Cannabis, 2023. doi: 10.26828/cannabis/2023/000185. [Free access.]
Paramasivam A, Jaiswal A, Budhiraja S, Holzhey P, Santhakumaran P, Ogedengbe OT, Martin J, Das S, Côté S, Hassid R, James TG, Kennedy B, Tang D, Tran Y, Colson-Osbourne H, Che M, Minhas R, Granberg S, & Wittich W. The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health Core Set for deafblindness, Part I: A systematic review of outcome measures. European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 2023. doi: 10.23736/S1973-9087.23.07890-5. [Free access.]
James TG. Inadequate funding impacts state DeafBlind projects in the United States - A commentary. Journal of Vision Impairment and Blindness, 2023. doi: 10.1177/0145482X231188887. [Free PDF.]
Cerilli C, Katz G, Volandes AE, Davis AD, Paasche-Orlow MK, James TG, McKee MM. "There is no communication": A qualitative examination of Deaf signers' experiences with advance care planning. Journal of Palliative Care, 2023. doi: 10.1177/08258597231179763. [Free PDF.]
Otero DK, James TG, Stone AE. Evaluation of a student-led community-based veterinary clinic for disabled low-income clients: A case study of the University of Florida PAWS program. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education, 2023. PMID: 37257147. doi: 10.3138/jvme-2023-0032. [Free PDF.]
James TG, Panko T, Smith LD, †Helm KVT, †Katz GR, †Caballero ME, Cooley MM, Mitra M, McKee MM. Healthcare communication access among deaf and hard-of-hearing people during pregnancy. Patient Education and Counseling, 2023. doi: 10.1016/j.pec.2023.107743. [Free PDF.]
Guetterman TC, James TG. A software feature for mixed methods analysis: The MAXQDA Interactive Quote Matrix. Methods in Psychology, 2023. doi: 10.1016/j.metip.2023.100116. [Free access.]
James TG, DeJonckheere M, Guetterman TC. Integrating transformative considerations and quantitative results through a participant selection joint display in explanatory sequential mixed methods designs. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 2022. doi: 10.1177/15586898221149470. [Free PDF.]
James TG, McKee MM. Technological tools to improve communication in patients with hearing loss. JAMA, 2022. [Invited editorial.] Re: Nieman et al. Effect of a community health worker-delivered personal sound amplification device on self-perceived communication function in older adults with hearing loss: A randomized clinical trial. PMID: 36538323. doi: 10.1001/jama.2022.22121. [Free PDF.]
Halkides H, James TG, McKee MM, Meade MA, Moran C, †Park S. Spotlighting disability in a major electronic health record: Michigan Medicine’s Disability and Accommodations Tab. JMIR Formative Research, 2022. PMID: 36459406. doi: 10.2196/38003. *All authors equal contribution, listed alphabetically. [Free access.]
James TG, Argenyi MS, Guardino DL, McKee MM, Wilson JAB, Sullivan MK, †Griest Schwartzman E, Anderson ML. Communication access to mental health and substance use treatment facilities for deaf American Sign Language users. Health Affairs, 2022. doi. 10.1377/hlthaff.2022.00408. [Free access.] *This article was the 7th most read article in the journal during calendar year 2022.
James TG, Miller MD, McKee MM, Rotoli J, Sullivan MK, Pearson TA, Mahmoudi E, Varnes JR, Cheong J. Emergency department condition acuity, length of stay, and revisits among deaf and hard-of-hearing patients. Academic Emergency Medicine, 2022. PMID: 35904003. doi: 10.1111/acem.14573. [Free access.]
Reber L, Kreschmer JM, James TG, #Junior JD, DeShong GL, Parker S, Meade M. Understanding the contours of the attitudinal environment and its impact on emotional health and well-being as experienced by adults with physical disabilities: A qualitative study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022. PMID: 35742718. doi: 10.3390/ijerph19127469. [Free access.]
Thiyagarajan A, James TG, Marzo RR. Psychometric properties of the 21-item Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale (DASS-21) among Malaysians during COVID-19: A methodological study. Humanities & Social Sciences Communications, 2022. PMID: 35789924. doi: 10.1057/s41599-022-01229-x. [Free access.]
James TG, Helm KVT, Ratakonda S, Smith LD, Mitra M, McKee MM. Health literacy and difficulty accessing information about the COVID-19 pandemic among deaf and hard-of-hearing people. HLRP: Health Literacy: Research and Practice, 2022. doi: 10.3928/24748307-20221116-01. [Free access.]
McKee MM, James TG, Helm KVT, Marzolf B, Chung DH, Williams J, Zazove P. Reframing our healthcare for patients with hearing loss. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 2022. PMID: 35969852; doi: 10.1044/2022_JSLHR-22-00052. [Free PDF.]
James TG, McKee MM, Miller MD, #Sullivan MK, †Coady KA, Pearson TA, Yurasek AM, Cheong J. Emergency department utilization among deaf and hard-of-hearing patients: A retrospective chart review. Disability and Health Journal, 2022. doi: 10.1016/j.dhjo.2022.101327. [Free PDF.]
James TG, Sullivan MK, Henderson H, Varnes JR. Competency focused versus philosophically grounded health promotion practice: Impacts on innovation and addressing health inequities. Pedagogy in Health Promotion, 2022. doi: 10.1177/23733799221094617. [Free PDF.] *This article received the competitive 2022 Ann E. Nolte Award of the Foundation for the Advancement of Health Education (FAHE).
James TG, †Coady KA, Stacciarini JMR, McKee MM, Phillips DG, #Maruca D, Cheong J. “They’re not willing to accommodate Deaf patients”: Communication experiences of Deaf American Sign Language users in the emergency department. Qualitative Health Research, 2022; 32(1): 48-63. PMID: 34823402; doi: 10.1177/10497323211046238. [Free PDF.]
Berger A, *James TG, Ryan SJ. HIV-related stigma moderates the relation between perceived susceptibility and HIV testing intention among heterosexual (but not sexual minority) college students. Health Promotion Practice, 2022;23(6):950-954. PMID: 34229464. doi: 10.1177/15248399211024993. [Free PDF.]
James TG, Varnes JR, Sullivan MK, Cheong J, Pearson TA, Yurasek AM, Miller MD, McKee MM. Conceptual model of emergency department utilization among deaf and hard-of-hearing patients: A critical review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2021;18(24):12901. PMID: 34948509. doi: 10.3390/ijerph182412901. [Free access.]
James TG, Sullivan MK, Butler JD, McKee MM. Promoting health equity for deaf patients through the electronic health record. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 2021;29(1):213-216. PMID: 34741507. doi: 10.1093/jamia/ocab239. [Free PDF.]
James TG, Gebru NM, Ryan SJ, Cheong J. Measuring dimensions of HIV-related stigma among college students. Stigma and Health, 2021;6(3):296-303. doi: 10.1037/sah0000266. [Free PDF.]
James TG, Sullivan MK, Varnes JR. Improving representation of people with disabilities in health education. Pedagogy in Health Promotion, 2020;8(3):174-177. doi: 10.1177/2373379920978822. [Free PDF.]
Argenyi M, James TG. Sexual risk behavior and sexually transmitted diseases among college students with disabilities. Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 2021;48(11):851-854. PMID: 33872223. doi: 10.1097/OLQ.0000000000001443. [Free PDF.]
James TG, Miller MD, Nicolette G, Cheong J. Psychometric evaluation of a 10-item health insurance knowledge scale. Journal of Nursing Measurement, 2021;29(3):491-504. PMID: 34518425; doi: 10.1891/JNM-D-20-00019. [Free PDF.]
James TG, McKee MM, †Sullivan MK, #Hardy SJ, #Ashton GR, #Santiago Y, Phillips DG, Cheong J. Community-engaged needs assessment of Deaf American Sign Language users in Florida, 2018. Public Health Reports, 2021;137(4):730-738. PMID: 34161191. doi: 10.1177/00333549211026782. [Free PDF.]
James TG, †Sullivan MK, Dumeny L, Lindsey K, Cheong J, & Nicolette G. Health insurance literacy and health service utilization among college students. Journal of American College Health, 2020;68(2). PMID: 30526397; doi: 10.1080/07448481.2018.1538151. [Free PDF.]
Fox ML, James TG, Barnett SL. Suicidal behaviors and help-seeking attitudes among deaf and hard-of-hearing college students. Suicide & Life-Threating Behavior, 2020;50(2). PMID: 31721275; doi: 10.1111/sltb.1259. [Free PDF.]
Tucker JA, Cheong J, James TG, Jung S, Chandler SD. Pre-resolution drinking problem severity profiles associated with stable moderation outcomes of natural recovery attempts. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 2020;44(3). PMID: 31984515; doi: 10.1111/acer.14287. [Free PDF.]
Ball JD, Agana D, Waugh S, Wang K, James TG, Nicolette G. Systematically collected information at encounters with HIV-positive students: A review of 10 years of electronic medical records. Journal of American College Health, 2020;68(4). PMID: 30681932; doi: 10.1080/07448481.2018.1557196. [Free PDF.]
James TG, Lippi CA. Interdisciplinary collaborations required: Teaching health educators infectious disease dynamics. Pedagogy in Health Promotion, 2020;6(3). doi: 10.1177/2373379920941531. [Free PDF.] *This article was the 8th most downloaded article in the journal during calendar year 2020 and was labeled as a “Best of 2020” article.
James TG, Cheong J, Ryan SJ. Sexual risk factors and human immunodeficiency virus testing intention among at-risk college students who have never been tested. Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 2019;46(7). PMID: 31192890; doi: 10.1097/OLQ.0000000000001000. [Free PDF.]
James TG, & Ryan SJ. HIV knowledge mediates the relationship between HIV testing history and stigma in college students. Journal of American College Health, 2018;66(7). PMID: 29405896; doi: 10.1080/07448481.2018.1432623. [Free PDF.]
Ryan SJ, Stewart-Ibarra AM, Ordóñez-Enireb E, Chu W, Finkelstein JL, King CA, Escobar LE, Lupone C, Heras F, Enriquez C, Tauzer E, Waggoner E, James TG, Cardenas W, Polhemus M. Spatiotemporal variation in environmental Vibrio cholerae in an estuary in southern coastal Ecuador. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2018;15(3):486. PMID: 29534431; doi: 10.3390/ijerph15030486. [Free access.]